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Example Sentences with Agreement

Agreement is the cornerstone of clear and effective writing. Without agreement, sentences can be confusing, misleading, or even misleading. As a professional, I understand the importance of using example sentences with agreement to illustrate how to craft effective sentences that communicate well with readers and search engines alike.

1. Subject-Verb Agreement

The most common form of agreement is subject-verb agreement. This means that the subject of the sentence and its verb match in tense, person, number, and voice. For example:

– The dog barks loudly in the park. (singular subject, third-person singular present tense verb)

– The dogs bark loudly in the park. (plural subject, third-person plural present tense verb)

– She has gone to the store. (singular subject, third-person singular past participle verb)

– They have gone to the store. (plural subject, third-person plural past participle verb)

2. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Pronoun-antecedent agreement means that a pronoun must agree in number, gender, and person with its antecedent – the noun or pronoun it refers to. For example:

– Every student must bring their book to class. (incorrect – “their” is plural, “student” is singular)

– Every student must bring his or her book to class. (correct)

– Each of the students brought their book to class. (incorrect – “each” is singular, “their” is plural)

– Each of the students brought his or her book to class. (correct)

3. Adjective-Noun Agreement

Adjective-noun agreement means that adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. For example:

– The blue car is fast. (singular noun, singular adjective)

– The blue cars are fast. (plural noun, plural adjective)

– The big dog is friendly. (singular noun, singular adjective)

– The big dogs are friendly. (plural noun, plural adjective)

4. Verb Tense Agreement

Verb tense agreement means that the tense of the verb must be appropriate to the time frame of the sentence. For example:

– I will go to the store tomorrow. (future tense)

– I went to the store yesterday. (past tense)

– I am going to the store right now. (present continuous tense)

Using example sentences with agreement is an effective way to illustrate how to use agreement in writing. Clear and effective writing is important for conveying ideas and information to readers and search engines. As a professional, I know that using example sentences with agreement is crucial for creating engaging and optimized content that ranks well online.