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Objective Level Agreement

Objective Level Agreement: A Crucial Element of Effective Communication

Effective communication is vital in any business or organization. However, ensuring that everyone on the team understands the same message may be more complicated than it appears. Miscommunication may lead to significant problems, such as missed deadlines, poor-quality deliverables, or unhappy clients. Fortunately, one way to avoid these issues is to establish an objective level agreement (OLA).

What is an Objective Level Agreement?

An OLA, also known as an operational level agreement, is an agreement between two or more teams or departments within an organization that shares responsibilities for a particular service. It outlines the specific duties and expectations of each team involved in delivering a service. OLAs establish clear lines of communication, accountability, and performance metrics.

OLAs differ from service level agreements (SLAs) because they are internal agreements between teams responsible for delivering a service instead of agreements between a service provider and a customer. While an SLA outlines the expectations and outcomes agreed upon between a service provider and a client, an OLA looks at the responsibilities of different teams who work together to deliver a service.

Why is an Objective Level Agreement important?

OLAs are vital for several reasons. First, they define and align the expectations of everyone involved in delivering a service. This results in a coherent approach to service delivery, which can enhance service quality and customer satisfaction.

Second, OLAs establish clear lines of communication between teams. Email, chat, and other communication tools are fantastic, but they are often unreliable. OLAs ensure that everyone involved knows who to contact, when, and for what purpose.

Third, OLAs provide a framework for tracking and measuring performance. The agreement outlines what each team is responsible for in delivering a service and the metrics that will be used to evaluate performance. This provides a clear understanding of each team member`s role, eliminates miscommunication, and helps improve overall service delivery.

How to create an Objective Level Agreement?

Creating an OLA involves several steps. It begins with identifying all the teams or departments involved in delivering a service. Next, the OLA should outline each team`s responsibilities, expectations, and metrics for performance. The OLA should also specify the frequency of communication and reporting.

One crucial aspect of creating an OLA is to ensure that everyone involved understands the agreement. Therefore, it`s essential to hold a meeting where all parties can discuss and clarify their roles and responsibilities. The OLA should also be reviewed regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and effective.


An objective level agreement is a crucial tool for any organization that wants to ensure efficient service delivery. It helps define and align the expectations of everyone involved, establishes clear lines of communication, and provides a framework for tracking and measuring performance. Creating an OLA takes time and effort, but the payoffs are significant in terms of improved service quality, increased customer satisfaction, and smoother operations.