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Sifma Cross Product Master Agreement

Antitrust Compliance Booklet This brochure is intended to illustrate known concerns in the activities of trade associations and will help SIFMA members understand the requirements of antitrust laws and minimize the risk of antitrust concerns related to SIFMA-sponsored activities. While antitrust laws recognize that trade associations make many pro-competitive contributions to the U.S. economy, the mere fact that trade associations bring together competitors presents a risk of entering into agreements that may raise antitrust concerns. If you have any questions about your credit card purchase or payment in any other form, please contact: Access and e-commerce agreement Created to reduce the time and cost of negotiating electronic access agreements. For the use of broker-dealers who provide clients with access to electronic trading services. Covers common issues encountered when providing electronic trading services by broker-dealers to clients, such as. B, the requirement that the client or certain authorized users need access to electronic trading services only through certain access methods. A joint communication of professional associations created to manage counterparty risk on different types of financial products by introducing widely used sectoral framework agreements to reduce the risk associated with the financial system An agreement that defines the legal relationships between union members and allows for the effective execution of a standardised agreement, rather than the execution of legal contracts negotiated separately from each Sometimes, when a company joins a union.

To be used in negotiated offers of municipal securities. These forms are designed to inform clients of the new rule and help the company identify accounts that can be searched for institutional debt. SIFMA`s sample information and forms are intended to serve as a starting point to help companies comply with FINRA Rule 2242. SIFMA encourages companies to extend or modify these documents as necessary to reflect their own analysis of the rules or specificities of institutional debt research. SIFMA recommends that companies update their internal procedures and continue to inform their employees and customers of this new regulatory requirement. . The principles and practices applicable to transactions in wholesale financial markets aim to provide guidance for the conduct of wholesale transactions in otc financial markets between participants. Early Conflict Waiver Form On April 1, 2009, New York introduced new business rules that now require that consents regarding potential conflicts of interest be confirmed in writing. This form contains the draft wording for the disclosure of these conflicts of interest. Section 16 Letter of Authorization and General Information A draft model business permit form to be used in conjunction with section 403 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Article 16 “Insiders” of public issuers requires that Article 16 “Insiders” report transactions in the issuer`s equity securities within two working days of the end of the month. SIFMA publishes guidelines on the verification of Rule 506c of the EMPLOYMENT ACT – June 2014 Framework Agreement between Subscribers of Municipal Securities (MMAAU) Revised Memorandum and Procedures for The Procedures for Covering Account Registration Deposits for the Deposit of Rule 144A Securities.

For use by issuers who inadvertently fall within the definition of “investment company” under the Investment Companies Act of 1940. This model of minimum disclosure of information on the quality of order dispatch and execution, prepared jointly by SIFMA, the Investment Company Institute (ICI) and the Managed Funds Association (MFA), could be requested by institutional investors of their broker-dealers. The objective of this proposal is to improve the transparency of the stock exchange structure in general and the quality of execution in particular. See the accompanying letter Guiding Principles for Promoting the Integrity of Fixed Income Research Guidelines to illustrate a comprehensive approach to managing potential conflicts of interest. The aim is to improve investor protection by increasing investor awareness of how potential conflicts of interest are managed by integrated financial institutions on the sales side that underwrite and trade debt securities and distribute research on those securities to investors. The storage fee for the MMAAU signed letter of admission is $1,000. IPO Certification – Certificate for the Purchase of Initial Public Offerings of Equity Securities (NASD Rule 2790) A certification form to assist in the collection of customer insurance under NASD 2790 which prohibits a member company from selling a new issue to an account in which a restricted person has an economic interest. Missing/Lost/Counterfeit/Stolen Securities Report (Form X-17F-1A) A form to be completed in case of missing, lost, stolen or counterfeit title. For use in connection with the SEC`s requirements for these securities under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This library provides market participants with standard forms and sample documents that promote transparency and efficiency in the market.

On July 16, 2018, SIFMA`s Municipal Securities Division announced the implementation of a new structure for its Master Agreement between Subscribers (MAAU) for municipal securities by offering a signature page storage service. Consult the related documents for the framework agreement between subscribers of municipal securities (MMAAU). SiFMA has created model documents to help brokers, traders and other financial institutions meet the new regulatory requirements created by FINRA`s debt research rules. In particular, Rule 2242(j) requires negative or affirmative written consent for eligible institutional investors in order to obtain research on less protected institutional debt. Guidelines and Procedures Recommended for Trading on the Secondary Market in the Securities Directives Section 3(c)(7) Securities Guidelines for Secondary Market Trading Procedures where the holders of the securities are “qualified purchasers” exempt from regulation under the Investment Companies Act of 1940. Certificate of Institutional Suitability Designed to facilitate brokers` and brokers` compliance with FINRA`s new Rule 2111, particularly when dealing with institutional clients. SIFMA`s SMMP certificate is available here. Information and documentation on swaps and other derivatives. Follow the links below to view the documents in SIFMA`s library of standard forms and cross-product documentation. .

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