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Withdrawal Agreement Po Polsku

The Withdrawal Agreement Po Polsku: Understanding Brexit`s Impact on Poland

The Withdrawal Agreement Po Polsku is a critical document that outlines the terms of the United Kingdom`s withdrawal from the European Union. As the UK`s withdrawal from the EU became final in January 2020, the Withdrawal Agreement outlines the legal framework for the UK`s transition out of the EU. For Poland, the Withdrawal Agreement Po Polsku will have significant implications for trade, immigration, and security.

One of the most significant changes resulting from Brexit is the end of the free movement of people between the UK and the EU, a policy that has allowed Poles and other EU citizens to live and work in the UK without a visa or work permit. With the implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement Po Polsku, Poles living in the UK will be able to apply for settled status, which grants them the right to reside in the UK indefinitely. This status will apply to any Pole who was living in the UK before 31 December 2020.

The Withdrawal Agreement Po Polsku also outlines the terms of trade between the UK and the EU after Brexit. Poland is one of the EU`s largest exporters, and the UK is one of its largest trading partners. With the Withdrawal Agreement in place, Polish exporters doing business with the UK will need to comply with new customs regulations and tariffs. However, the UK and Poland have already secured a new trade deal that will help to mitigate some of the impacts of Brexit on Polish businesses.

The Withdrawal Agreement Po Polsku also ensures that the rights of UK and Polish citizens living in each other`s countries are protected. UK nationals living in Poland will need to apply for a new residence permit, but they will continue to have access to healthcare, education, and employment opportunities. Similarly, Polish citizens in the UK will continue to benefit from the same rights and protections they enjoyed before Brexit.

In conclusion, the Withdrawal Agreement Po Polsku is a critical document that will shape the relationship between the UK and Poland after Brexit. With new trade rules, immigration policies, and security measures in place, the Withdrawal Agreement Po Polsku will have significant implications for the Polish economy and Polish citizens living in the UK. As we move into a post-Brexit world, it is important to understand the implications of the Withdrawal Agreement Po Polsku and how it will shape the future of UK-Poland relations.