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Standard Data Processing Agreement

The data processing activities performed by Snap under this Agreement are as follows: c. If the Data Exporter intends to suspend the transfer of Personal Data and/or terminate the relevant parts of the Services, the Data Exporter will endeavor to notify the Data Importer and give the Data Importer a reasonable period of time to remedy the non-compliance (“Healing Period”). 2. Adopt and implement appropriate safety policies and standards. `data exporter` means the controller who transmits the personal data; (a) process the personal data only on behalf of the data exporter and in accordance with its instructions and clauses; if, for any reason, it is unable to ensure such compliance, it undertakes to immediately inform the data exporter of its inability to comply; in this case, the data exporter has the right to suspend the transfer of data and/or to terminate the contract; HubSpot`s data processing agreement provides an example of a data protection agreement that includes the standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission, definitions of relevant terms, details of processing, obligations of subcontractors and more. GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation. Data protection experts from all over the world are feverishly working on the configuration and implementation of the European Union`s new Standard Contractual Clauses. From 27 September, companies in the European Economic Area that conclude new cross-border data transfer agreements with companies located outside the EEA on the basis of CCTs will have to adopt the new versions. Each recipient who signs the new CBA undertakes to have appropriate agreements with its own suppliers in accordance with clauses 8.8 and 9. Countless businesses are affected, as each company has many affiliated and disconnected suppliers and other business partners around the world. To remain open to EEA companies, all companies must have the new CLAs in place by 27 September. d.

Details of processing. The purpose and details of the processing are described in Annex 1 to this contract. (iii) enter into a legally binding contract between you as a data exporter and Snap as or on behalf of Snap; and 2. The data importer and the sub-processor shall ensure that, at the request of the data exporter and/or the supervisory authority, they will audit their data processing facilities of the measures referred to in paragraph 1. The GDPR mainly focuses on personal data and data processing, subjects, controllers and processors. It requires the signing of a DPA with external data processors. If your organisation uses data on EU citizens, you must be GDPR compliant and use DPAs. Failure to do so can result in hefty fines and penalties. Physical access control measures to prevent unauthorized access to data processing systems (e.B. access badges, card readers, table guards, alarm systems, motion detectors, anti-theft alarms, video surveillance and external security); f. Data subjects and requests for control. Snap will inform the Data Controller without undue delay, but in any case within two business days, of any request or complaint snap receives from a data subject or supervisory authority in relation to customer`s personal data.

Snap assists the Data Controller, to the extent commercially reasonable, in fulfilling the Data Controller`s obligation to respond to requests from data subjects and supervisory authorities under Data Protection Law.