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Collective Bargaining Agreement Cupe

If you have questions about your rights at work, the best person to talk to is your steward or local leader. You will know the specific details of your agreement. All CUPE members work under the protection of a contract called a collective agreement. Your local negotiates the terms of the agreement. Elected local union leaders also work with the employer to resolve issues in the workplace. If you would like a hard copy of your collective agreement, please speak to your steward. If you don`t know who your steward is or how to get to your home, contact your local CUPE office. Collective agreements set out the terms and conditions of employment of unionized workers and the rights, privileges and obligations of the union, the employer and the employees. Collective agreement between the City of Toronto and the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 79 Unit B – Part-time – January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2015. The Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3902, Unit 5 (CUPE 3902, Unit 5) represents postdoctoral researchers at the University of Toronto and covered by CUPE 3902, Unit 5. .

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 353, represents electricians, interns, control technicians, locksmiths and machinists. Unifor Local 2003 represents stationary engineers; Technicians for building management systems; and building engineers. The Ontario Public Service Employees Union, Local 578 (OPSEU Local 578) represents the research officers and associates of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. The Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 1230, full-time and part-time (CUPE, Local 1230 F/T&P/T), represents library employees employed in the university`s central library system. . The Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3261, full-time and part-time (CUPE, Local 3261 F/T and P/T) represents part-time and regular service staff, including janitors, field staff, drivers, laboratory animal technicians and sports attendants. The Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3261, Casual (CUPE, Local 3261 Casual) represents casual workers in all three locations (many are University of Toronto students). The United Steelworkers, Personnel Appointees Unit, Local 1998 (UNITED STEELWORKERS 1998 staff appointed) represents full-time and part-time employees appointed by full-time and part-time employees in the areas of administration and technology.

The Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3902, Unit 3 (CUPE 3902) represents employees who teach, protest, teach or classify/classify contracts of less than one year. . The Sheet Metal Workers` International Association, Local 30 (SMWIA Local 30) represents sheet metal workers at the University of Toronto. The Burkett Arbitration Award between the City of Toronto and the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters Association, Local 3888 for the term from January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2014. The United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada, Local 46 (UA Local 46) represents plumbers, steam installers and sprinkler installers at the University of Toronto. The following links are provided for information: The International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT), District Council 46, Local 557, does not currently have active staff. Die International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees and Moving Picture Machine Operators of the United States and Canada, Local 58 (IATSE Local 58) vertritt die Bühnenmitarbeiter am Hart House Theatre der University of Toronto. Die Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3907 (CUPE LOCAL 3907) vertritt Graduiertenassistenten am Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), U of T.

Alle sind Doktoranden bei OISE, sind in Forschungs- und / oder Feldentwicklungsprojekten beschäftigt, die zu ihrer akademischen und beruflichen Entwicklung beitragen. . . . Transparenz und Zusammenarbeit sind für unsere Institution von grundlegender Bedeutung. Carpenters and Related Workers, Local 27 (United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America) vertritt Zimmerleute an der U of T. The Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 3902, Unit 1 (CUPE 3902) represents University of Toronto students, primarily graduate students who work as teaching assistants, lab assistants, markers, evaluators and instructors. Occasional students of library staff employed in the central library system of the university. . CUPE 2484 represents childminders and assistants at the University of Toronto.

The university`s guidelines are important building blocks for promoting a consciously inclusive environment. On this page you will find documents on employee groups, information technology, fairness and more. The Ontario Public Service Employees Union, Local 519 (OPSEU 519) represents the university of Toronto campus police. . Settlement Protocol between the City of Toronto and Toronto Civic Employees Union (CUPE) Local 416 – January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2024. The University of Toronto Faculty Association (UTFA) represents professors and librarians in employment matters, including salaries, pensions, benefits negotiations and workplace complaints. Agreements and guidelines for faculties and librarians are hosted by the Office of the Vice-President, Faculty and University Life. .