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Abortion Agreement Form

Michigan`s Informed Consent to Abortion Act was created by Public Act 133 of 1993. This law requires that a woman who requests an abortion receive certain information at least 24 hours before the abortion procedure. The information is intended to give a woman accurate and impartial information about the procedure she will perform. This law was also amended by Public Law 499 of 2012 and Public Law 149 of 2016 to ensure that a woman who requests an abortion is informed that it is illegal to force a woman to have an abortion, that she is asked to be coercive before accepting the procedure and that help is offered, if threatened. is bullied or hurt physically, mentally or sexually. This website is intended to allow you to consult the government-approved documents mentioned above. You should review the written summary of the compulsion to perform an abortion, the written summary of the abortion procedure that your doctor has specified, and the information about the development of the fetus that best matches the likely gestational age of the fetus. You will then need to see information about prenatal care and parenthood. You may, in your sole discretion, review information for other abortion procedures or information about other stages of fetal development. This Act was amended by the Public Act 345 of 2000 to allow this information to be provided over the Internet exclusively through this ministry-sponsored website. Once you have completed the review of all required documents, you will have the option to print a confirmation form. Please note that to use this website to comply with Michigan`s Informed Consent to Abortion Act, you must print the confirmation form and submit this form to the physician or other qualified person assisting the physician. This is the only way to legally verify that you have verified the state-approved information through this website.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services has been tasked with developing and providing certain documents. The following documents must be given to a woman who requests an abortion at least 24 hours before the abortion procedure:. .