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2. What Is Business Ethics Why Is It Important

I founded Fast Layne Solutions three years ago with a dual commercial and social mission. My trade mission is to save America`s endangered independent doctors by helping them thrive through the use of affordable yet cutting-edge technology solutions that allow them to compete with leading providers of businesses/hospital systems. Promoting business ethics and ensuring that your employees behave ethically is good for business. Redlands` ACBSP accredited online MBA program develops students into competitive and ethical leaders. Through a state-of-the-art interactive program, we prepare students to meet and defend the behavioral expectations of an ethical workplace. Our students examine the ethical, legal and social factors of decision-making and maintain an ethical framework for business decisions in one of the four areas of concentration. We emphasize ethics in our online MBA program and prepare students to foster an exceptional ethical culture wherever they want to work. I do my best to strive for excellence on a daily basis, whether it`s bringing a cup of soup to a sick client or even dog sitting! You never know what someone will actually need from you. If you are open to running a business that focuses on absolute service, you will succeed in the long run. There may also be a difference between what is legal and what is ethical. Just because something is legal doesn`t mean it`s ethical and vice versa.

Ethics plays a much more important role in day-to-day business than you might think. Ethics are not laws that companies must obey, but they are a set of guiding principles that organizations must follow if they want to build a good reputation. Why is a good reputation so important for fair play? If you ever have any doubts, make the decision of someone you trust. Use the golden rule and treat others as you want to be treated. Numbers are important, but so are people. As an organization, you don`t want that because, as I`ve already indicated, morality and ethics can and will differ from person to person, and if you consider the many choices and ways to make moral decisions during a workday, that`s where a potential disaster comes from. For me, being ethical in business doesn`t just mean keeping your word and treating people fairly; It`s more about being a good corporate citizen. This means seeing yourself and your company as stakeholders in your community and vice versa (seeing your community as equal stakeholders in your business like, for example, your employees, shareholders, customers, etc.). Fill out the form on this page to download our online MBA program guide and learn how the University of Redlands can help you develop as a qualified and ethical business leader. Your company, organization or team may adhere to certain business ethics to maintain the well-being, responsibility and overall reputation of employees. You can also develop a personal business ethic that aligns with your core values as you progress in your career.

Anyone in a leadership position needs to understand the importance of business ethics and how the absence of a code of ethics or non-compliance with the code can negatively impact the culture and reputation of the organization. There have been many case studies over the past two decades to illustrate the importance of ethics. 12. Ethics foster partnerships. Partnerships in the business world are very important. They help expand your market and improve business relationships. To get a good partner, your reputation must be built on a solid foundation of business ethics. Forward-thinking companies understand how business ethics are linked to the triple end result: people, planet, profit. The three aspects are interconnected and must be balanced. It is no longer acceptable to prioritize quarterly dividends to shareholders at the expense of responsible business practices.

In this way, the impact of the program can be maximized by integrating ethical processes into the employee workflow. According to Gartner, an Ethics Program: Ethics in Business essentially involves maintaining high standards and meeting legal and moral obligations. Since most businessmen think in terms of profits and losses, an ethical compromise may seem like a necessary evil to them. However, companies that have managed to create a healthy corporate culture will inevitably have happier and happier employees and customers. .